Starting over

I’m back.

It’s been almost two years since my last post, and a lot has happened since then.

I’ve always wanted to get back to blogging, but I never really could figure out exactly what I wanted to do with a blog, and even if I had, I wouldn’t update it consistently.

But all that has changed. I hope.

Check back here regularly, as I plan to add a lot more features, a lot more commentary and a lot more interesting things I find on the ‘Net that I’d love to share.

Feel free to comment on what you find here. Whether it’s adding to the conversation or simply making a suggestion, I welcome all feedback. And tell others about this site, if you like it.

Here’s to starting over …

Pro-life Superbowl ad rejected by NBC

I saw this ad back when it first aired during the inauguration. I thought it was a powerful — and respectful — pro-life ad, prompting people to think of the potential every unborn child possesses. It’s too bad the millions of people watching the Superbowl tomorrow won’t get to see it. It is, fortunately, available on YouTube, 1.1 million views and counting:

It’s also sad the reason NBC gave to CatholicVote for rejecting the ad:

“I was told the ad was approved and then there were a number of attorneys working on it. Then I was told (NBC) didn’t want to run political or advocacy ads.”

An ad from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals also was turned down. Mr. Burch questioned whether the same standards were applied to the PETA ad.

A statement posted on attributed to NBC said the ad “depicts a level of sexuality exceeding our standards.” But a second note to PETA attributed to Victoria Morgan, NBC vice president for advertising standards, suggested eight “edits that need to be made” so the ad could run. PETA refused to comply.

“There’s no doubt that PETA is an advocacy group,” Mr. Burch said. “They were willing to air an ad by PETA if they would simply tone down the sexual suggestiveness. Our ad is far less provocative, and hardly controversial by comparison.”

Let’s hope NBC isn’t really operating under a double standard here and refusing to air commercials advocating the protection of life yet offering to air commercials using sex to get us all to give up meat.