Video: “The power of grace”

Feel good story of the day:

Wilson, a young, white, Southern man, attacked Lewis, a freedom rider for Martin Luther King, in the “white” waiting room of a South Carolina bus station.

The men had not seen each other again until Tuesday when, with “Good Morning America’s” help, Wilson approached Lewis again — this time offering an apology and a chance to relieve a burden he’d carried for more than four decades.

“I’m so sorry about what happened back then,” Wilson said breathlessly.

“It’s OK. I forgive you,” Lewis responded before a long-awaited hug.

Click the image to watch

An emotional reunion

An emotional reunion

Love like Emma


This year marks the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth and the 150th anniversary of the publication of his history-changing book, “The Origin of Species.” No doubt we’ll see lots of stories and TV specials about Darwin, his theory of evolution, the controversies it still foments and the battles over religion and science, God and Man, fate and design.

I found this story in the Los Angeles Times to be both an exceptionally well-written story and an unconventional look at the intersection of two opposite worldviews:

On Jan. 29, 1839, in the little chapel in the English village of Maer, a religious, 30-year-old woman named Emma Wedgwood put on a green silk dress and got married. She believed firmly in a heaven and a hell. And she believed you had to accept God to go to heaven. She married Charles Darwin.

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