Video: Winning isn’t everything

The recent hubbub over a Christian girls school forfeiting a basketball game and firing their coach following a 100-0 blowout begged the question: Was their conduct “unChristian?” Should Christians apologize for winning, for putting forth their best effort?

Watch the story below and see what I believe is a perfect example of how Christians can approach competition.

Winning isn’t wrong. But winning isn’t everything:

In the case of the Covenant School’s girls basketball game, I personally feel that Christians should at the least be expected to follow the generally accepted rules of good sportsmanship, which include not running up the score. As the story unfolded, there was some debate over whether that is what actually happened.

Beyond good sportsmanship, I believe Christians would do well to remember Philippians 2:3-4:

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.

We can live by that verse and still pour our guts out on the field of competition. As in the now immortal words of Covenant School Headmaster Kyle Queal: “A victory without honor is a great loss.”

Video: “The power of grace”

Feel good story of the day:

Wilson, a young, white, Southern man, attacked Lewis, a freedom rider for Martin Luther King, in the “white” waiting room of a South Carolina bus station.

The men had not seen each other again until Tuesday when, with “Good Morning America’s” help, Wilson approached Lewis again — this time offering an apology and a chance to relieve a burden he’d carried for more than four decades.

“I’m so sorry about what happened back then,” Wilson said breathlessly.

“It’s OK. I forgive you,” Lewis responded before a long-awaited hug.

Click the image to watch

An emotional reunion

An emotional reunion